译林牛津版初中英语8年级上册 unit 1 单词 朗读录音mp3 电子课本 -金鲨银鲨飞禽走兽街机版
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译林牛津版初中英语8年级上册 unit 1 单词 朗读录音mp3 电子课本 -金鲨银鲨飞禽走兽街机版

英才学习2年前 (2021-12-07)英语413

unit  1 单词

thirsty   adj   口渴的  

honest  adj   诚实的;正直的  

secret    秘密

keepa secret     保守秘密(短语) 

joy    欢乐,高兴;乐趣 

care    关心,关注,在意

care about    关心,关怀(短语)     

yourself pron   你自己 

teenager     (13至19岁的)青少年

magazine   杂志  

good-looking    好看的,漂亮的

humorous   幽默的  

polite   礼貌的   

tidy   爱整洁的,整洁的  

make   成为;适合    

trust   信任

lie    谎言      

joke   玩笑   

true   确实的;的确

generous   慷慨的,大方的

willing   乐意的,愿意的

anytime    在任何时候(短语)

voice   嗓音       

singer   歌手 

almost   几乎,差不多  

round   的 

sense   感觉;观念,意识  

humour   幽默(英)

bored   无聊的  

fit   可容纳,装进

knock   碰,撞;把...撞击成 

onto prep  到…的上面

straight    笔直的      

sweet    可爱的,惹人喜爱的

smile      微笑      

personality   个性  

choose   选择;挑选     

worse    更差,更糟,更坏

worst    最差,最糟,最坏

height   高,高度  

weight    重量       

sec    秒  

competition    竞赛,比赛;竞争 

test   测试,考察  

swimmer    游泳者   

plan   打算,计划

social   社会的       

socialworker    社会工作者

ponytail    马尾辫

shy  害羞的

square   方形的      

smiling   微笑的,带着笑意的 

handsome   英俊的       

fat  胖的   

 hard-working   的,工作努力的 

patient   耐心的 

smile  微笑      

unhappy   不快乐的,悲伤的

excellent    杰出的,极好

02 知识梳理

unit 1 friends


1.一个诚实的男孩 an honest boy

2.一个的学生    a grade 8 student

3.一次写作比赛    a writing competition

4.一则……的广告 an advertisement for

5.保密    keep secrets

6.使我开心    make me happy

7.分享我的快乐    share my joy

8.遇到麻烦    be in trouble

9.和我一样苗条    as slim as me

10.一个我最好的朋友   one of my best friends

11.对……慷慨      be generous to

12.乐意做某事      be willing/ ready to do

13.给需要的人让座      give seats to people inneed

14.环游世界   travel around the world

15.使他看起来聪明      make him look smart

16.感到无聊   feel bored

17.讲滑稽的笑话   tell funny jokes

18.走过课桌   walk past the desk

19.撞翻我的书      knock over my books

20.想起我的好朋友      think of my good friends

21.看一则广告      read an advertisement

22.一位忠实的朋友      an honest friend

23.及肩的头发      shoulder-length hair

24.做大量的电脑工作   do much computer work

25.投票赞成某人   vote for sb.

26.帮助有需要的人      help people in need

27.课外活动   after-school activities

28.尽力帮助他们   try to help them

29.一名社会工作者      a social worker

30.未来计划   future plans

31.看起来爱好运动      look sporty

32.搬迁到北京      move to beijng

33.过来   come over

34.想念我的老同学      miss my old classmates

35.与……交朋友   make friends with

36.给我一些忠告   give my some advice

37.住在隔壁   live next door

38.邀请某人做某事      invite sb to do

39.她微笑的眼睛   her smiling eyes

40.面带微笑   wear a smile on one’s face

41.再来一些饮料   some more drinks

42.一些喝的   something to drink

43.任何时间   at any time

44.在将来      in the future

45.对……很了解   know sth. very well

46.一个人坐着      sit alone

47.认识某人   get to know sb.

48.不如   not as… as

49.在做某事上有困难   have problems doing sth.

50.在某事上有困难      have problems with sth.

51.适合某事   be suitable for

52.和某人分享某物      share sth with sb

53.对某人友好      be friendly to sb

54.十年前      ten years ago

55.解出数学题      solve the maths problem

56.写信给某人      write to sb

57.说某人的坏话   say a bad word about sb

58.相信他说的话   believe what he said/ hiswords

59.倾听人们的难题      listen to people’s problems

60.帮助人们解决难题   help people solve theirproblems

61.因为……而出名      be famous for

62.作为……而出名      be famous as

63.个像艾伦那样的朋友      have a friend like alan

64.在午餐期间      during lunch time

65.同意做某事      agree to do

66.同意某人的意见      agree with sb

67.在左边的那个男孩   the boy on the left

68.跑步最快的人   the fastest runner

69.a和b都   both a and b



there is nothing else in the fridge.


i don’t know how to talk to my classmates.


do you believe what he said?


i never feel bored  he is with me.


she is kind and never says a bad word about anyone.


my computer is not as expensive as his computer.

=my computer is cheaper than his computer.  

=his computer is more expensive than my computer.


i don’t think swimming is as interesting as hiking.


she is willing to listen to people’s problems and help them solve the problems.

9.我在我的新学校有麻烦。i have problems with my new school.

10.凯特既是我最好的朋友也是我的邻居。kitty is both my best friend and my neighbour.

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